Category Archives: Blog

Coverting Visitors

I love Glengarry Glen Ross Movie. There really is no better sales monologue than when Alec Baldwin berates the lagging office while driving home a few great points about sales effectiveness. The simplest of those (besides “coffee is for closers”) is ABC: “always be closing.” While that is of course great advice for a sales rep (even Jack Lemon’s character), it is equally true for a marketing manager when redesigning a corporate website.

Make sure that your visitors have a chance to convert in every touch that they have and earn money online from converting traffic. Think about the page visitors land on most frequently — your homepage. Most companies, in a rush to provide as many options as possible,  do not do a great job of converting traffic from this page. Think about the characteristics of the typical corporate site: dozens of links, some sort of lifestyle image in a banner, and either no call to action or too many call to actions.

  1. Stick to one main call to action (flash demo, product test drive, key white paper, etc.) representing the one key thing that you hope your visitors do.
  2. If you have secondary calls to action, keep them smaller and in a different design element (different color, style of button, etc.)
  3. Make sure you have a call to action at the bottom of each interior page, even if it just a text link(s) to other areas of your site. Most site content simply ends at the bottom of the page leaving the reader to scroll back up to the top or click the back button in the browser.
  4. If you are linking off of your site (to partner sites, articles, etc.), set the link to open in a new tab/window to avoid losing the visitor.

Forex Signals Online

I was reading an interesting article about how you can make money online but you can also make money from trading foreign exchange using a profitable trading system.

Forex trading can be a great way to make money online on Forex market but you need to study a lot before being able to make profits trading Forex.

Forex Signals can be used by newbies too so they can trade without necessarily learning how to do it.

Make Money Online

There are many ways to make money online and starting a forex blog can be your way to financial freedom.

How will a forex blog make you money? Forex affiliate programs are very profitable because the commissions paid are huge.

So, you need to register a Forex affiliate program and promote Brokers on your forex blog. You will earn fixed amounts like $100 – $200 per active referral or a percent from the trades made by your referral.

So, a Forex blog can be a great way to make money online.

Guest Posting

There are many blogs accepting guest posting on various topics.

You can promote your blog by posting on other blogs. Some blogs allows to insert a link back to your blog inside the guest post.

This is a great way to obtain backlinks through guest posting.

In order to get quality by guest postings you must search for blogs with high Page Rank and domain authority.

Domain Authority is even more important because it predicts the evolution of websites ranking.

Recommended WordPress Web Hosting?

If you wish to make money online starting a blog on your personal domain name it’s recommended to install the WordPress blogging platform.

What is the best WordPress hosting? in my opinion it’s Hostgator.

You will get reliable web hosting at good prices.

Get Visitors

There are many ways to gett traffic to your blog and monetize it.

You can use PPC or social bookmarks and you can also promote your blog on Facebook.

It is very important to write good content because visitors will subscribe to your blog and return to read your future articles.

Best Blogging Platform

The Best Blogging Platform without doubt is WordPress in my opinion.

It has all the features needed to create a successful blog and it is easy to use.

Try it and you will never use another blogging platform again. The best WordPress hosting would be HostGator in my opinion.

Use WordPress with HostGator and you will not be disappointed.

Blogging Tips

Anyone can start a personal blog about a certain topic that you like and it can be free on platforms like WordPress or Blogger.

First of all you need to keep your Blog readers coming back to read more of your articles. So, your blog must be useful to readers.

Your visitors must enjoy reading your blog and share your articles with others.

Content is The Key

Quality Content is the key to keep your readers coming back to your Blog and this will help you to make money online from posting advertising on your website. If your Blog is about a specific niche then your content must be relevant to that topic.

Write With Passion

Write About You Like because if you’ll chose topics that are not interesting to you then you will not write good articles and you will risk losing your readers.

Enjoying your writing will make you post quality content on your blog and attract new readers.

Keep it Simple

Simple Articles will be more attractive to your readers because it’s harder to keep a visitors coming back when you write complicated articles.

Go With The Crowd

Follow The Trend and do not try to “reinvent the wheel”, if others are already doing something that has great results you can also do it.

If you choose to promote product or services to earn affiliate commissions chose the ones that are already purchased by other because this means that people are interested in buying it.

Other Useful Tips

Interact With Your Readers and this will make your blog more attractive to them and keep them subscribed to your blog.

The design of your blog is also important to make a good impression to your visitors. If you wish to use WordPress you can start by choosing a free Theme but you will have to change it to a premium WP Them to make your blog look more professional.

Successful Blog

Creating a successful blog is not so hard but it’s not so easy and you need to put a little effort into it especially if you plan to make money from your blog.

WordPress is a great platform to maintain your blog and it’s free. After your create your free WordPress blog you can have access to many free themes allowing you to post widgets on your website.

In these widgets you can insert advertising so you can make money blogging without having to spend anything for setup your blog.

Don’t forget to write quality articles because your blog must offer good content to your readers otherwise you will not make your blog successful.

Write about a topic that you enjoy. If you like computers then write about computers, if you like movies then write about movies.